Thursday 4 June 2015

Ella's real birthday

I'm soooooo behind on doing updates of Ella's birthday, party, finish up at kindy, first day at school, allergic reaction to make up drama. Was gonna get a few posts done tomorrow but now I'm working, so here's a rush job to get some of the backlog cleared.

Birthday party prep

We left this little note out on the table the night before her birthday cause the girls always come down to the lounge before me in the morning. Faith  read her our messages to her and they got to have one of Ella's all-time fav foods for breakfast....Rinny Rinnys

This is the face of a chuffed 5 year old with loads of stationery for her birthday

Sign in sheet at Kindy

I whipped home at lunchtime to ice her cake (doesn't look that cool in this pic but I was really happy with the super simple technique of 100s & 1000s around the number 5)

Her presents all laid out for her when she got home from our McDs dinner

On the phone to Mac and Spence....she loves it when I call out to her and say 'Ella the phone's for you'. Boggle!

This little princess has wanted the Elsa doll for the longest time, and I'm not really a dolly/toy person so I've always said no, but just when I finally decided to get her what she desperately wanted, wouldn't you know, no Elsa dolls at Kmart, so Anna it was. And she was really happy with it, apart from the little comment that she quickly retracted about loving Elsa and hating Anna!

Compulsory post candle blowing out grumps cause someone else got in on the blowing

A special present that Daddy got on the way home from mix for the party girl

Without rushing this part, here's 5 reasons why I love this big school girl of mine

1. She's so bold and talkative and bubbly but also so sensitive and snuggly and shy all wrapped up in one cute body. She has a smile that really gets me, especially when she's telling me a 'fibby' or when she's really proud of herself...her boggle pretty much pops out of her cheeks and she has to push her cheeks back in, she literally pushes her cheeks back in! (Faith and I giggle at her for it and that makes it even harder for her to reign it in). 

2. This girl has an eye for detail, fashion, shapes, colours, beauty like no other 5 year old I know. I can't wait to see what her profession is when she's older (apart from being an awesome Mumma which I know she'll be cause she's soooo good with Dallin)

3. Ella can stick at a task till it sticks to her. She's the opposite of a 1 minute wonder. Puzzles and drawing...this girl's in it for the long haul which is so rare with little kids her age I've found

4. This girl is stubborn, she knows what she wants and what she doesn't want, especially when it comes to clothes. Don't even try and convince her that a church dress looks nice or an outfit is cool. If she's not feelin' it, there's no chance she'd be seen dead in it

5. She's soooo incredibly descriptive when she's trying to tell me about things she's seen or what she's done.....
Mum you'll get stripes on your face soon aye (wrinkles)
Some people have dripping boobies (saggy)
I've got to start writing them down!

And one more for good measure......of course I think she's gorgeous, beautiful, pretty, adorable, a real little princess.

Where has the time gone. Love you my big 5 year old girl. 
You bring smile to my face every day and I'm so blessed to be able to call you my baby xxx

1 comment:

  1. Love you too beautiful girl ❤️ Even just thinking about her cutie smile makes me happy. She's such a little treasure x
