Monday 15 June 2015

FHE - With Aunty Natty and the Boys

We have been having FHE lately, I'm just super slow on the recording. Tonight we had Aunty Natty and the boys over for dinner and a lesson/activity/treat. They came last week too, so it's pretty much our regular date night with them.

Tonight was a little question/answer session. We each opened questions and had to answer them and choose someone else to answer it as well.

Ella got this and had no idea what the answer was so we had to teach her. And Faith said her names Faith because Grandma Julie is so faithful....she didn't know where Kathleen came from, but now she does!

Daddy Joe and Aunty Natty answered this. They're both getting pretty old if you ask me. Can't believe Mum and Dad's baby will be 25 this year

Aunty Natty - So we can be happy
Faith - Go to the park...sorry lovey, too cold for that for the next 4 or so months!

So we know what we should do

Jordy - Work at the Warehouse!

Seth - To sit at church nicely and not go on the little room (that's what we call the room we have to sit in when he and Dallin are too noisy!)

Joe - Pay bills and save the rest 

Kyky - up to the sky like Grandma Julie. She's a star

Then our game was an oldie but a goodie. Memory

Followed by a delicious treat that Aunty Natty whipped up from the Cheesecake Shop

We're already excited for next monday when we have our guests back for another crazy dinner and lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh yummy & flash dessert! Wish we lived closer so we could come too :) Funny Seth's answer about why you go to church - he must think you love having to deal with the whole sacrament thing lol. Hey Seffy if it was just about that there's no way we'd be taking you guys!! I'll have to do these questions with the boys too & see what they say
