Monday 15 June 2015

My girls + Books

I had to smile inside when I took these 2 big girls of mine to the book fair last week. I'd previously said 'no I'm not buying anything', then I back tracked and said they could have $12 each. Why does that always happen? I thought they'd be pushed to find one thing on that budget, cause lots of them were $20 plus, but we managed to find these beauties.

And what made me smile was their choices. Faith = superheroes, Ella = girly girls.

And a pirate one for Seth

Ella's just had her first week of readers and my goodness! I'm back at the pre-reading, frustrating, can't remember the same word from one page to the next stage. Faith's able to read pretty fluently these days so I've got to keep reminding myself that she started back here just under 2 years ago. Progress will be made if we keep practising every day.

So over the last 2 weeks we've been to the library a few times to get more books. Now we're not allowed to turn on the TV after school or on saturdays until we've had 'book time' beforehand. A big pile of books get scattered out on the lounge floor and everyone has to read/look at pictures until Mum says we've done enough.

'Faith I've told you so many times, put your readers in the returns box!!!!'
This is pretty much what I say to her every afternoon and she forgets every day and adds a new one to her collection. You'd think she's sick of carrying them around in her bag, but no, she couldn't care less. So who had to do it? Muggins!

1 comment:

  1. Good old mrs muggins! Pete would do the exact same thing faithy babe
