Sunday 7 June 2015

End of Stars Kindy

This big girl has graduated from Rising Stars Daycare, known in our family as Stars Kindy. We've grown to love this place over the past 3 years so it was a bitter sweet day when she finished up....

Here's some pictures of her and her work on the walls....

On her last day, in her school uniform of course

I didn't get a pic of her with her teachers at the end....Gladys, Leah, Tani and Joice, but we love them all.  And we'll still be seeing them a few times a week for a while yet cause Seth and Dallin have 2 and 4 years left before Stars Kindy ends and Summerland days begin.

1 comment:

  1. Cute. I remember when she started a few years back & then the dilemma of whether to change her to the kindy or not. Definitely the right decision to leave her there! They've been so awesome :)
