Monday 22 June 2015

June Date - Waitakere Bush Walk

When I took the kids to the Arataki Bushwalk tracks a few weeks ago I decided that I'd like to do a walk like that with my hubby one day when we happened to be childless, which is pretty few and far between these days. Whenever we have time like that we usually end up having a nice lunch, maybe watching a movie or DVD, and I really wanted to do something different.
I intended on knowing beforehand and planning to take a backpack with drinks and snacks to make it a little more special.

But things worked out for us to go a few days ago at a minutes notice, so we went without the special treats afterall. We just walked for a about 45 minutes before turning around and going back out. Simple as that. My date kept laughing that we walked through nowhere, to nowhere and back again, but I maintain that it was fun cause it was out of the ordinary.....we got to enjoy the fresh air, do a bit of exercise and enjoy good company!

And of course we had to finish off with a quick trip to McDs


  1. Cute <3 Love that you had to finish off with Maccas. Yum! x

  2. Cool alright. I love a good walk and that maccas sure does look good.!
