Thursday 4 June 2015

Ella's Rainbow/Make up Party

Last saturday was the day that Ella has waited and waited for for the longest time. It finally came!
To say she was excited would be a huge understatement. I'll let the pics do the talking 
(thanks Aunty Nae)

Great shot of Uncle Joe with Riyan.....not so sure about my big girl!?!?!?!?

These 2!!!!!

Let the 'dolling up' begin.....

I can see this in 15 years time...getting ready for a YSA dance together. Maybe minus the tiara and fairy dresses but probably still with lashings of lippy

This kid is too cute. And I love that he brought along 'Grandie the Gorilla' for the party. The real deal Grandie was definitely missed :(

The boys make up efforts left a little to be desired....maybe they want to get into special effects artistry

Daddy/Uncle Joe did a fab job holding down the fort in the hall with lots of running and chasing

What an awesome personalised make up station!

Ella Elsa with her lovely girly presents.....her aunties know her well!

I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again, cuzzy get togethers are the best. Thanks for helping Ella Deseret feel special and loved on her long anticipated party day.

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