Sunday 7 June 2015

Make up disaster

Who would've thought that giving our make up obsessed daughter a make up themed party could end up with a trip to the ER and 5 day of antihistamines, follwed by dry, cracked skin that makes her cry every night (7 days on).

The day after her awesome party last saturday all was well, we got home from church, put the little ones in bed for an afternoon nap and she had a grand time opening up some new make up sets and colouring in her new shoulder bag.

Then on Monday morning, this is what we woke up to!!!! I was lucky enough to have a Queen's birthday sleep-in, but about 15 minutes after Joe got up with the kids, he came running down to the room and told me to come out quickly and look at Ella's face. Wow!!!! What the heck?!?!?!? Immediately I knew it was a reaction to makeup but because it was all around her eyes and mouth I thought we better head down to get checked out at the hospital. It was pretty embarrassing to walk in there after being there less than 6 months ago for Dallin's string around the toe incident.....I'm sure they're wondering what kind of mother I am!

The pics don't even do justice to just how bad it was but I  still had to keep taking them to have a record that this actually happened

Not how I planned to spend my public holiday

4 days before 'the incident'

When we got home from the hospital the rest of the family went up to the chapel for games but Ella came shoe shopping with me. She tried to cover her face with her hoodie for a while but then she forgot about it.....until she walked past a mirror and started cracking up...haha

Probably lucky she'd had this lil episode or I might not have spent $89.95 on her new school shoes! Her Dad said before we left 'honey you can have whatever you want today' and she milked it for all it was worth. I don't even spend that on shoes for myself, probably not even half that! She was so sure of what she wanted and nothing but this style of Nikes was gonna do. No matter what I pointed out, cheaper shoes, or even other Nikes, she was having none of it....I'm scared for Mufti days as this kid gets older aye Aunty Nae
So we got some oral steroids, and got antihistamines for 5-10 days and all should return to normal. It took about 3 days for all the swelling to come down and now the skin on her face is super duper dry and there's a small part under her lip that has a bit of a sore from bring so dry. Poor little thing. No more makeup around here! We're done! Except lipstick and nail polish she says!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh those pics are sooooooo terrible!! I can't believe how bad it was poor little critter. She looks like she's been fully banged up :( Love the shoes though. I'd wear those. She's got such good taste!
