Saturday 27 June 2015

FHE- Pictionary, animals, donuts & superheroes

FHE last week was 2 super duper simple games and then we dropped of some dunkin donuts to our awesome Kapa Haka leaders/teachers.

The games....


Frog on a lillypad

Guitar (we got it so fast that she hardly got to draw any)

Seth-Lion (obviously!) 
Guess that animal...definitely one of our faves, definitely for Seth. The take turns for me to whisper an animal in their ear, they act it out and the rest have to guess what they are. I can't believe how much everyone gets into it. Ella's version of a starfish was priceless....ask her to do it one day!

And on Sunday arvo when the Leone's came over the kids all did this lil activity where they painted a background and then made up characters for the girls home learning project.

Very proud to take it in to their classes the next day and say they did it with their cousins the day before

1 comment:

  1. Wow the poster looked so cool when it was finished!!
