Monday 8 June 2015

Grandma Julie's Kitchen - Bran & Banana Muffins

I've got a new project....take pics of Mum's recipes and make them + blog them. Then we all have access to them, (love that handwriting!) and can make the good old things we used to have growing up.
This is fun/yummy family history work!

As soon as I took a bite of this lil beauty I felt like I was 10 years old and Mum had made these while I was at school. Didn't love them back then, but they're damn good now.....especially with a handful of blueberries thrown in.


  1. ooh makes me wanna make them soon so they can take me back to being a kid again!!! did the kids like them?

  2. Delish aye. And with the butter....yum!
