Monday 18 May 2015

May Temple Week 2015

After our great time at Temple Week August, I was so excited about doing it all over again this year. And we invited the Leones so join in for a night so that was sure to make it even!!!!!

As it turns out, things kinda went to custard, from the room booking not working out, to me losing my temple recommend, to the rainy weather :( 

In the end, we left Joe there to do it all on his own and gapped it back to the comforts of our own home. Not ideal, but I'd still call it a success. We had fun, the kids were chuffed with the mini holiday they got and I just think it was really funny how it all went down.

I'd made the same room booking as we had last time, confident that it would be enough for all of us. Aunty Nae got there before we'd even left Auckland (typical!), and called my cellphone as we were at the gas station about to leave saying something along the lines of 'Mel, are you sure you made the booking? There's nothing for Heke' What the heck?!?!?! To cut a long story short, the lady taking the booking had forgotten to write us in and the whole place was full except for 2 rooms in the 'no kids' section of the motel. Awesome!!! Cause we were coming with 6 loud, over excited, boisterous kids!!!! She made it very clear to us that kids were not supposed to be in this part and we had to keep them quiet and under all circumstances not let them run down the hallways. Good luck!

On arrival, we had 5 crazy minutes together before bedtime....I'm pretty sure in that 5 minutes Aunty Nae and I probably said 'ssshhhh' about 500 times each!

In the morning we all woke up and had breakfast in the shared kitchen. If it wasn't for the 'keep the kids quiet' rule, that would've been super fun. 
Aunty Nae and I were about to drive up to the temple when this silly old goose realised she'd forgot her temple recommend. So quick as a flash, Joe got suited up and Mummy/Aunty Mel was on kid duties. Crazy but actually really fun!

This kid is too cute to describe. Love how he says he wants to do something with the other kids and then turns around and says 'I think I'll stay with you Aunty Mel'

Mama's Donuts Morning Tea........soooo good!

Ella's finished donut. I was kinda excited when she brought it to me cause it meant I could devour it after wolfing down my own, but Spence, Mac and Faith were all up in it before I could sneak round the side of the car with it

This pic kinda makes it look like Mac did something to Ella but it was actually Faith out of shot that did something. Mac was creeping away from doing the same thing to his little bro who was crying out the other side of the shot. Flippn' big siblings!

Sorry Son, had to take a pic. 'Mum I need do poos' Made me smile when I thought about Mum watching out crazy visit

She waited all morning to get to the Visitor's Centre

She wouldn't climbed up to the top of his head if I let her!

Even though it didn't all happen how I'd expected and hoped, a cool couple of days nonetheless. And Joe spent a day and half in the temple so that's what really matters, right!?

1 comment:

  1. Cool pics!! And I got to do a session as well thanks to you looking after the boys sissy, so thanks again for that. Wouldn't have been able to do it without you xx
