Monday 18 May 2015

2 Weekend Outings

Corban's Estate Art Festival...Free fun for the whole family

There were loads of activities for the kids to do in a big shed. The art supplies around the place was a bit mind-blowing. Would have hate to see mess that was left behind when it all emptied out.

Badge making

Glasses accessorizing

Playing Mum's old game from years and years ago while the kids had their sleep after church

Somebody can't handle losing!

A Sunday afternoon walk through the Waitakere Ranges in the drizzling rai. Once again, lived here for almost 4 years and this is the first time we've been to Arataki.

Gotta follow the instructions and wash off boots on our way out

Gonna have to come back here one day with Joe when he has a day off......mainly cause it would be cool to do a hike with him, but also cause they've got the danish ice-cream stall at the beginning of the trail

Love doing things like these with my babies, and they're getting easier and easier to take out at the ages they are now (actually Seth's terrible but we're managing). 
And it's even better when they're free as these both were.

1 comment:

  1. Cool, we'll have to come to the art show with you next year. Bet Ella loved it. Dally's looking like such a big girl now that her hair's starting to get thicker. Crack up that Pod's rockin' the Summerland beanie in the weekends now instead of her hat. Love how loyal that girlie is to her school :) x
