Thursday 27 December 2012

Christmas 2012 (Part 2)

Sorry about this Aunty Nae, but thanks for downloading all the pics.

Here's the Ormsby Christmas at the Hekes

Spency with his Christmas feast

Grandie Ormsby's good looking kids (minus Aaron)

Uncle Carl kicking back after a tiring lunch (with his white socks on from working with Daddy Joe)

Well spent $30 I think

I missed the kids playing with the foam spray unfortunately but it was a brilliant idea. I always wanted that as a kid

Ooohhh, I'd like a piece of that right now!

And one of those!

Spency tuckered out after a long day. I could have done the same thing myself :)

Sewing Buzz

I'm not the world's best sewer, but I like to try and make things myself. In the past I've stuck to things like cot duvet covers, pillow cases and pillow case dresses, aprons. As long as there's straight lines and nothing fancy, I'll give it a go.

For a little while I've wanted to make the girls chuch bags but I didn't just want to do the bare basic that I could figure out how to do myself. So I got on youtube and watched a tutorial. I'm so pleased with the result. So far I've done Seth's and Ella's and I'll probably do Faith's today cause it's so fun.

And this morning I whipped up a little elastic banded skirt which I also learned how to do off youtube....heaven sent that little gem (and pinterest too!)

I never thought I'd be able to sew with the kids awake, but I just made that skirt with the girls playing around me. Kind of watching a movie, kind of demanding breakfast, kind of playing with the pins all over the floor. Very happy with my efforts. Spotlight, Emporiums, Arthur Toye, here I come!!!!!!

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Christmas 2012 (Part 1)

Christmas has come and gone for 2012 and while I was so excited for the build up, now I'm thankful that I can relax and re-gather my family into some kind of normal routine. It seems that since this time last week we haven't been able to manage proper eating or sleeping. Time to get back to normal!

But in saying that, it's sad for it to be over too. Christmas is so fun!!!!!!

As usual, we went to Hamilton for Daddy Joe's birthday (32!!!!!) on the 23rd, then had a Heke Christmas on the 24th, before an Ormsby Christmas at our place on the 25th.

Here's some pics of what we did. I'm hoping to steal some of the aunties pics of yesterday afternoon cause I saw their cameras out.

These two lil' twinnies were attached at the hip all afternoon. Ella was determined to dent her Uncle's car roof. They so lovingly shared one outfit between them (her topless, and him bottomless!)

After having Faith nag us all day (in broad daylight) to go to the temple lights, we finally got in the car to head up there. When I turned around to say 'are you excited?', this was what I saw. Spot the grumpy butt

5 cuzzies and Aunty Tan

We ran into Grandma Rose which was a nice surpise. Faith was chuffed cause she'd been asking to have a sleepover at her house. Ella had a good run around with Christian (kindred terrors!)

Faith played photographer for this shot and she did pretty good

And this one

We went to church at Tan's ward cause her boys were part of the Youth Christmas programme. The girls were goofing around with their cousins until a young girl started singing happy birthday at the pulpit. They had eyes for christmas about that. Happy Birthday Jesus, I'm so glad it's Christmas....

Seffy aka 'champion self soother'. Didn't even get out of his chair in sacrament and about half way through he did a big yawn, turned his head to the side and crashed out!

Faith was promised this by her Dad for doing the monkey bars all by herself at the little park by Grandma Rose's house

Heke No swimming Christmas turned into Pools Christmas, and they took over the baby baby pool

4 Heke Adults and 8 cuzzies = full pool

Kids sleeping in the lounge is a cool tradition on Christmas Eve, but it makes it really hard for Santa to sneak in with presents. He managed, but it wasn't easy. Photo taken at 1:15am

Photo also taken at 1:15 am. Sleepy dogs!
I gapped it down to my bed to be near Seffy (and to get away from Daddy Joe's snoring)

And little did he know it but this would be his last night with a pancake pillow, or rock pillow, or lumpy pillow....take your pick

After finally being woken up by me at about 8:15, the girls got stuck into opening their pressies

What do you need in this hot, sticky weather? Full on winter onesie PJs....oops, they got summer ones too. 

One of Ella's favourite DVDs....megamind

Seffy was a sleepy lil' thing for his first christmas. He didn't get up till after 10am so he missed most of the action. He didn't seem bothered though.

All in all, a wonderful, memorable, busy Christmas. Faith's really getting into it now (the presents and nativity) so that's fun. Ella's getting there. And Seffy's just cute!!!!!

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Pumping Street Party

Yesterday evening I took the kidlets down to the Kilmarnoch Street Party.
It was a fun, cute little event. Sad that almost no one supported it cause the 2 families that had organised it had put in a lot of effort with a little sound system, games, treats. I felt really sorry for them, but they were having a good time with their own kids so that was good.

Our littlies enjoyed watching the big kids play a few games and then they got in the way, trying to moving the cones around the road so at that point we went inside.

If they do it again next year I hope more people go. Made me think it would be a cool thing to do here, but I just don't know if anyone would come. And when I told Daddy Joe he said he'd like to invite both of the families to our ward activities cause they obviously enjoy wholesome family fun....good thinking!

All the kids were given a little bag of treats. The Dad even put one in Seth's carseat for him. Christmas came early for him I think.....he was so eager to eat through the bag!
Unrelated, but this also happened yesterday. Faith used the self-checkout kiosk at the supermarket and loved it!

Monday 17 December 2012

Home made tent

Tonight was the first Monday night we've had FHE for the longest time. We've been having FHE every week, but because of Jujitsu on Monday nights, we've been doing Wednesdays.

From this week onwards, we're now like every (or most) other Mormon  family, having FHE on a monday....and it feels so good.

Tonight was pretty casual. I had planned to teach Faith how to play the first line of 'I am a Child of God' on the piano, and our activity was going to be her teaching Daddy Joe how to do the same. We tried and tried during the day, but she really struggled with what we did (which was the first 6 beats...only 3 notes!!!!) Might take us a month or 2 to be ready for that activity.

So at the last minute, we decided to do something far more fun. Build a tent on the deck. After opening exercises, I fed Seth in the lounge and watched Daddy Joe and the girls play with the chairs and sheets on the deck. After they had some semblance of a tent, they lay down under it and ate their 'tent snacks'. FUN!
Pre-FHE playing

Amateurs at tent making. Daddy Joe gave them a few pointers, like facing the chairs outwards so there's more room in the tent

Seffy chuckling away in the exersaucer......very well behaved for FHE. Well done my Sonny man

Faith insisted on showing her Dad how she learnt to play the piano. Interesting accompaniment

Opening Exercises on the FHE chair. This has been our tradition for a couple of years, or even more.
These were hung up out of reach while the tent was made and then they ate their snacks under the cover....very fun!

I was feeding Seth while they made the tent so this is the only pic I got of the aftermath. Yes, that's Mum's Bad Kitty PJ Pants that Daddy Joe's wearing ?!?!?!?!

The other game we played was sorting toys into two piles....hard or soft. There was about 20 toys in a container and the girls had to sort them. Faith was good at it but Ella was so pre-occupied with getting the toys she wanted off Faith that she didn't even listen to the instructions of the game. She just kept saying 'mine, not yours Faify' Good one Ella

I love Family Home Evening!!!!!