Monday 17 December 2012

Home made tent

Tonight was the first Monday night we've had FHE for the longest time. We've been having FHE every week, but because of Jujitsu on Monday nights, we've been doing Wednesdays.

From this week onwards, we're now like every (or most) other Mormon  family, having FHE on a monday....and it feels so good.

Tonight was pretty casual. I had planned to teach Faith how to play the first line of 'I am a Child of God' on the piano, and our activity was going to be her teaching Daddy Joe how to do the same. We tried and tried during the day, but she really struggled with what we did (which was the first 6 beats...only 3 notes!!!!) Might take us a month or 2 to be ready for that activity.

So at the last minute, we decided to do something far more fun. Build a tent on the deck. After opening exercises, I fed Seth in the lounge and watched Daddy Joe and the girls play with the chairs and sheets on the deck. After they had some semblance of a tent, they lay down under it and ate their 'tent snacks'. FUN!
Pre-FHE playing

Amateurs at tent making. Daddy Joe gave them a few pointers, like facing the chairs outwards so there's more room in the tent

Seffy chuckling away in the exersaucer......very well behaved for FHE. Well done my Sonny man

Faith insisted on showing her Dad how she learnt to play the piano. Interesting accompaniment

Opening Exercises on the FHE chair. This has been our tradition for a couple of years, or even more.
These were hung up out of reach while the tent was made and then they ate their snacks under the cover....very fun!

I was feeding Seth while they made the tent so this is the only pic I got of the aftermath. Yes, that's Mum's Bad Kitty PJ Pants that Daddy Joe's wearing ?!?!?!?!

The other game we played was sorting toys into two piles....hard or soft. There was about 20 toys in a container and the girls had to sort them. Faith was good at it but Ella was so pre-occupied with getting the toys she wanted off Faith that she didn't even listen to the instructions of the game. She just kept saying 'mine, not yours Faify' Good one Ella

I love Family Home Evening!!!!!


  1. Fun! What great memories aye of our tents lol

  2. You are such a bad kitty for still wearing those bad kitty pants Jo lol :)
