Sunday 9 December 2012

EQ Hangi + a few other things

 On Saturday night we had the annual Elder's Quorum Hangi for our ward. As with most activities, it seemed to last a week, with buying veges, digging the hole, visiting people to let them know it was on. I only turned up with Seffy for the actual thing, and it was really fun. Not only was there a hangi, but also a river for the kids to swim in, a waterslide down the hill, a flying fox, and even horse rides.
We really are blessed to be in the same ward as the Christy's!!! They're so good to open their home and land for everyone to enjoy.

Checking out Nate's 4 Wheeler

Starting to take the dirt off the top....I hope it's cooked!

Ella entertained herself playing with the trucks with Gabriel Barbosa
The Bryer's brought up their Karaoke gear and speakers to add a bit of entertainment

Here it is....pork, corned brisket, bacon hocks and beef

Not so sure about it :}

Hhhhhmmmmm....what do you think?

Miss Heke ran wild the whole day

Picnic style hangi....yummy Heidi bread

Effies, up close and personal with a Maori Hangi

Seffy was too tired to care

Pete enjoyed some very scary cuts of meat from the pig's face (he literally pulled the meat out of the head)

Highlight of the night, Aunty Mel's Oreo Cheesecake

And a few other pics from the weekend

Seffy eats rusks now 
His hand-eye coordination isn't great so more often than not he feeds his mouth & nose!

I was going to make a nail board for the girls, but they saw me starting to put the nails in and wanted to do it themselves, so now it's just a board for them to hammer nails into

Seffy's in a big bed longer in the baby bassinet :(
I held off for a while as per usual with him cause I'm sad he's growing up, but i had to do it cause he was getting pretty massive in the bassinet. Despite this sad, sad picture, he's actually doing well in the big cot

Seffy's 1st day of wearing shoes, and incidently this is the first time he's had his nappy changed at the in the mall parent's room

If he's upset, Aunty BZ's salty finger always turns his frown upside down :)

Spinach, chicken and mushroom pie which turned out to be silverbeet cause I've got much more of that than spinach in my garden right now. Just had to show evidence that I am using my home grown veges!

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