Wednesday 12 December 2012

Visiting Teaching

This year my goal of goals has been to read the Book of Mormon every day.....and I've done it (so far....there's still 15 or so days to go, well a lifetime really aye?!?!)

Anyways, I've known for a while what my major goal for next year will be. The big VT....100%!!!!
I really want to capture of the spirit of visiting teaching, not only so I can say I've done it 100%, but so I can meet with other sisters and families, make new friends, show the girls that their Mum values this programme of the church.

Yesterday my lovely visiting teachers came over (Bishop's Mum - Silvana Talamaivao, and Lincoln Ward Bishop's Mum - Julie Ngawaka). I thoroughly enjoyed their visit and it confirmed to me that I want to do it properly next year. Both of these sisters are about Mum's age so it was nice to have them here since my Mummy's not :( I find that I enjoy being around sisters that remind me of Mum in some way, or are just good women. Definitely and inspired choice for me to have them I feel :)

Ella was all coy and boggly having visitors over and Seffy was spoilt with little pressies just for him!

They were so sweet to bring over presents for Seth and goodies for the rest of us

Seffy got a new top and a baby's 1st Christmas bib

That reminds me, I must finish Daddy Joe's hometeaching gifts so they can go out tomorrow night.

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