Sunday 2 December 2012

Seffy's growing up

This rollover got him stuck up on his arms so he just lay like that till I realised and put him on his back for a rest (after taking a photo of course)

After his 5am-ish feed he either goes back in his bassinet or I keep him on me. Sometimes he's awake for an hour or so (while I'm half asleep). Eventually he falls back to sleep and I slip out to get Ella when she calls 'Mum, I'm awake, come and get me!!!!'

Sleepy Seffy in his scratcher

Seffy loves to be looked at, just looking at him will make him grin and try to talk/dribble

Today was my Seffy's 1st time in the highchair and he thought it was pretty cool. His big sissy Faith fed him for the first time. He quite enjoyed the whole thing and he's now fast asleep with a full tummy I hope
Seffy my man you're a little star. You always (except for the Hamilton trip) win the prize of best behaved little one and I hope that doesn't change. I love snuggling your cute baby body and talking with you. Your expressions back to me make my heart melt my son. You've got me wrapped around that gorgeous little finger of yours that's for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh cute!! He's getting so big now!! Love you Seffy xoxo
