Thursday 27 December 2012

Sewing Buzz

I'm not the world's best sewer, but I like to try and make things myself. In the past I've stuck to things like cot duvet covers, pillow cases and pillow case dresses, aprons. As long as there's straight lines and nothing fancy, I'll give it a go.

For a little while I've wanted to make the girls chuch bags but I didn't just want to do the bare basic that I could figure out how to do myself. So I got on youtube and watched a tutorial. I'm so pleased with the result. So far I've done Seth's and Ella's and I'll probably do Faith's today cause it's so fun.

And this morning I whipped up a little elastic banded skirt which I also learned how to do off youtube....heaven sent that little gem (and pinterest too!)

I never thought I'd be able to sew with the kids awake, but I just made that skirt with the girls playing around me. Kind of watching a movie, kind of demanding breakfast, kind of playing with the pins all over the floor. Very happy with my efforts. Spotlight, Emporiums, Arthur Toye, here I come!!!!!!

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