Thursday 27 June 2013

Homemade tortillas/Enchiladas

Earlier this week when I was writing my shopping list I was looking through my 'yummy food' board  on Pinterest trying to find new ideas. I pin things all the time and rarely actually make things off it, for dinner at least (I often make yummy/sweet/treat type things though)

So this week I decided I would make pizza in the style of an italian calzone and homemade tortillas for enchiladas.

Enchiladas was on the menu for tonight and I was excited to try out making the tortillas. Then early this morning I got a call to go in to Summerland to work in a Year 2 class. Great!!!! That meant Daddy Joe was on baby duties, kindy duties, washing duties, dinner duties etc. I considered changing the plan so he could make his own thing, which would inevitably be noodles or eggs on toast. But I decided to go ahead with the schedule. We can't have those staple dinners of his every time I work!

So when I got myself sorted in my class this morning I sent the link through for making tortillas and instructions on how to get the mexican mince ready. Turns out I needn't have been worried about it at all. He did a fantastic job, so much so that I don't think we'll ever buy tortillas again. Will save the $5 that I would probably spend on 6 or 8 of them and make them instead (12 tortillas for $2-ish)


 Delicious!!!! (especially with a bit of sour cream on top)

And even better, we've got 6 tortillas leftover so I think every time we have this for dinner I'll cook a roast chicken the next day and we can have chicken/salad wraps. Yeeyah!

1 comment:

  1. OOooh yum! They look good! Great job Jojo. Im impressed :)
