Sunday 16 June 2013

Tong Tong Tong Tong Pakitong Kitong

Last Wednesday I sent Daddy Joe up to Summerland Kindy for Faith's drop off. It was Filipino Independence Day and I knew they were having some kind of celebration so I thought he'd be all into that. It turns out he stayed up there for the whole 3 hours cause the Filipino Mums wanted him to do his funny crab song (which they had already planned on doing, but he did it better). So after playing with the kids, fixing some play equipment outside and carrying out their old 'mat' carpet, he did the special crab song.

Oh and they had some Pinoy food that he really enjoyed too.

When I went in the next day there was a thank you on the board for him that went like this 'thanks to the Filipino Mums who shared their culture with us yesterday, and well done Joseph too!'

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Cool. Faith must've been so proud of her Dad :D
