Monday 3 June 2013

Disney on Ice & FHE tonight

Today we had such a cool day! Faith and I got to go on a family/cuzzy date to Disney on Ice in the big smoke. I was just as excited as Faith cause I'm not really a concert/event goer (not that I don't want to be!).

We walked down to the Willoughby's house and went into town with them and met up with Mac and Aunty Nae. The show was amazing. Faith was glued to it pretty much the entire time and it was cool that she knew most of the storylines of the movies that they covered. I was thinking that over the next few weeks when we go down to get our $1 movies from the shop, we should get the ones we saw today. When we got home, Daddy Joe had already taken Ella to choose a movie as her special treat and she'd chosen 'Tangled'. Perfect choice for us as Rapunzal had closed the show today. I think we've watched it 4 full times this afternoon, no kidding!

(Hopefully I'll be able to get some pics off Aunty Nae's blog when she puts them up!)

Thanks Aunty Natty and Uncle Kris, Faith and I LOVED our time out with you guys.

Tonight we had FHE about 'Jesus said love everyone....' That's what we did for our lesson yesterday in Nursery so I thought I'd reinforce it for Ella (Yes, that's right I'm in Nursery now....more on that another day!)

We started with our usual opening exercises. Here's a little photo diary of how our night went.

I was taking photos of the girls while we were waiting for their Dad to finish texting on his phone. He's not meant to have his phone with him during FHE!

Seffy's usually grumpy and tired for FHE so he stays with us for the lesson then goes to sleep while we do an activity.

The conductor of FHE always sits or stands up by the TV, more often than not the girls do it together

Each child gets to choose a fun song after our church song. Seffy's one tonight was popcorn popping

Ella always chooses 'rumble down the track' which is a song from Summerland Kindy.

You walk around singing a song about a train and pick up carriages (people) as the song goes on. She thought it was so funny that she got Seth in her train

Only lasted about 3 seconds and then they ended up like this

When it was Faith's turn to choose her song she got all boggly and said she wanted to do tricks from the Disney on Ice show, so she pretended to skate around the room and do twirls like the princesses we saw today

Our activity tonight was to practise counting by adding rain and clouds to the umbrella picture. (If there was a 4 on the umbrella you were meant to add 4 cotton balls for clouds and 4 counters for the rain).

Faith was very very good at it

Ella struggled, not because she can't count, but because she always likes to have more than someone else!!!
I love Mondays. It's the one night I know Daddy Joe will be at home, and it's fun to learn and play together. It's happens every week for us no fail (almost) and I think the kids love it too.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing the girlies doing stuff together cause it always makes me think about how that's what we must have been like together back in the day. So cute!!
