Friday 14 June 2013

Sicky Seffy

My poor little man has the dreaded lurgy. He's been out of sorts since the start of the week and it's so sad and so cute at the same time.

Yesterday for Aunty Beezy's party he wasn't really in the mood and that was when I knew  he was really out of sorts.

Today he was even more lethargic and huggable. Although he's a snuggly little man, he's not used to being rocked to sleep. He's just been such a wonderful little baby from the moment he was born that he's never needed to be cuddled and rocked to sleep. Today that's exactly what he got though, cuddled for sleeps. Even his sissy Faith got the pleasure.

After we got home from our blood donor photo shoot (more on that another time) all Seffy wanted to do was snuggle up on the couch with Faify....

3 seconds later

Tonight I dropped the ball on making dinner. Faith kept asking and I kept ignoring it like she was going to forget about wanting food tonight?!?!?! Eventually she got up and said she'd make something for herself. I saw her with udon noodles and carrots so I helped her out by giving her pork, veges and some spicy sauce (and her Daddy as a helper)

Gotta go and put Ella to bed again. It's now 10:41 Bedtime started about 3 hours ago and it's still going. They started off in their own beds, then Daddy Joe put the top bunk mattress on the ground for them to play on. That caused fighting so eventually Faith got back into her bed and fell asleep. I went down to find Ella screaming on her mattress on the floor and the room stunk like vicks. She'd put it all over herself. She's now had a shower and is insisting that she's got a sore ear and can't go to sleep.

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