Thursday 6 June 2013


Whenever I make this people say how yum it is and want to know what the secret is. There is no secret, it's so easy and no fail which also makes it fairly dangerous as we usually have all the ingredients in our house. Here's how it's done:

3/4 C Caster Sugar
125g Butter

Melt in saucepan over medium heat. Don't stir it, just swirl it around the pan by tipping it a few times.
While that's melting, pour out 3-4C popped popcorn into a baking paper lined oven tray. Sprinkle about 1C cuts on if you want. I use light buttery and salted popcorn (pre-popped) and honey roasted nuts.

Once the caramel starts to turn a brown colour, keep a close eye on it. Take it off when it's fairly dark brown and before it starts to smell burnt. Pour it all over the popcorn/nuts and mix around. In 5-10 minutes it will be set and you can break it up into bowl and serve.

So so so so good!

I think there's a couple of good things about this recipe, it's a salty and sweet (salty popcorn and sweet caramel) And it's crunchy, not chewy like other caramel popcorn recipes so it doesn't get all stuck in your teeth.

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