Sunday 5 April 2015

March Date Night - Burger 'n Shake

Last tuesday it was the last day of the month, so despite being a random, midweek night and Joe having a church meeting, I was determined to have some kind of 'date'. So 5 or so days beforehand, I whipped up this invitation.

It worked out well that he was at a meeting cause I could put the kids down and 7 and get all the food prepped so it was just being set down on the table when he walked in the door.

No pics of the delish burgers, but here's some silly mugs instead

And what goes with a burger 'n shake date you might ask? 
A battle of of 3 to see who had to make the shakes. We both knew I'd win, which was cool cause he'd definitely make the better shake!

 I have a feeling we'll be making this a regular date cause a bit of healthy boggle competition is good (and free) for a marriage!

 And just for the record, I did do a feb date night, but it was just a movie at home. Can't even remember the name, something with George Clooney in it. I even ditched the date before it officially ended cause it was soooo boring!

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