Monday 13 April 2015

Te Korowai's 5!!!! (The first of the 2010 quad cousins)

Our beautiful and sweet niece and cousin turned 5 at the very end of last month and on Saturday we got to have an awesome shindig for her at the Te Rapa Pools. A super cool Barbie party!
This girl is so fun to be around, far less firey and feisty than another couple of 2010 girls that I know! And what a pretty little thing she is. She'll be a heartbreaker in 10 or so years I'm sure :)

This pic must have been taken in the 10 minutes out of 6 straight hours this little fish was in the pool!

The beautiful party girl in front of her pretty tiara cake.

Dallin was obviously more than a little tired at about 4 o'clock so she just solved her own problem (as I always tell Faith to do), and had 40 minute sleep in the pool with Aunty Tan

Nevermind about 100 kids splashing and shouting all around her!

Conked out at Grandma Rose's after a full on cuzzy day. A sweet Mummy/Daughter sleepover

Sunday Drive past Daddy's flat from before we got married. 14B Hogan Street (the back one)

Then on Sunday arvo after watching a session of conference at the Elkington's we had a nice visit out at Newstead with Mum and the boys

Uncle Vaughan Junior

Uncle Kelvin Junior

Uncle Matthew

Uncle Seth

Seth with Seth!

Throwing a tanty about the song we chose to sing for Seth

A little detour on the way home past the first home Grandma and Grandie owned

Crazy to think this was probably brought for $20Kish or something ridiculous like that and now Dad's just sold our family home about 40 years later.
And that's almost as crazy as the fact that Dad tells us he planted these trees when they lived there and they were about knee high!
So that was our weekend. Te Korowai's party was sooooo cool. Can't believe Ella's will be in about 5 weeks, then Reegan in July and Naya Bree in September. Crazy to think these 2010 babies are turning 5!!!!

And Dallin's 1st birthday party is coming up in 4 sleeps. 2 weekends in a row of cuzzy-ness. The best!

1 comment:

  1. Cool party! That was so cute how Dilly fell asleep in the pool :) So Pod got another mummy/daughter sleepover lol...I remember that flat of Joe's from before you guys got married. That seems like forever ago!
