Tuesday 21 April 2015

Sunny Sabbath Afternoons

With morning church, we're loving our Sundays more than usual.
I feel like since Dallin was born we've spent so much time at home (and loved it), but now she's 1  we're ready to get out and have some fun family time at beaches, parks, bush walks, and family dinners of course

Here's how our day goes.....
Wake up
Home for lunch
Babies and Mum nap while big girls watch a church movie
Get out and do something, anything
Home for Dinner
Sleepy Time

After living in West Auckland for over 3 years we finally went out to Piha, which was extra cool cause Faith's in Piha Pod this year, and that's where Ella will start too.

It's so cool to discover new things with kids.....everything's exciting, even rocks and sand. Made even better by the fact their big, strong Dad was able to tip over some massive rocks and find crabs for them to play with.

Daddy Joe's not experienced like Grandie when it comes getting sandy kids cleaned up to get back into the car, but he did make a good effort. Too bad we didn't have towels to do a final dust off and newspaper cover the floor of the car!

Bastion Point


The girls are like 'Why is she lying in it then?'

Too much for this kid to resist. Despite Mum's efforts to keep him away from the massive 'paddling pool', he ended up falling in with his sisters making a huge scene 'Mum, Seth fell in', and all of the 100 asian tourists staring and smiling

We were all a bit perplexed with the people doing some kind of exercise/meditation.

I haven't been very good at taking pics of our sunday outings (and honestly, we've probably had 4 or 5 families over for Sunday dinners since the start of the year so there have been home days as well), but this one we did a few days ago was really, really good.

I got the kids all packed up in the car with no idea where the wind would take us....except that we were going 'exploring!!!!"
As it turns out, we've never been into the Waitakere Township, so that's where we ended up and it's only about 6km from home.

Incidentally we parked right outside an RSA and with Faith's obsession for all things ANZAC (for another post), we spent a good while looking in their entrance at all the memorabilia. 

Pretty cool to get up close to an abandoned train at the last West Auckland train station 

We've got to go out to Waitakere Primary again sometime. 2 great playgrounds right there. I can almost imagine taking a picnic lunch, a bike and scooter and staying for a few hours (not on a sunday or course!)

Then home for a saussie sizzle for dinner and Dallin got to open her birthday present from her nursery leader, even though she's not even in nursery yet!!!!!

Will probably get a bit harder to do these outings now that it's getting colder, or maybe we'll just have to put on the jackets and gumboots and continue on?!?!?!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Love all the fun family times :) How sweet that Dally's future nursery leader got her a present! x
