Sunday 5 April 2015

Vitto's Baptism

Last week we had the privilege of going to the baptism of one of our sweet friend's sons. Joe was requested as the baptizer and I was honoured to be asked to speak. I was excited to speak about Faith and Repentance, but also a little bummed cause then I couldn't just go along and relax, I had to prepare and get the accompanying nerves......singing as part of my talk probably didn't help with the nerves situation!

Victor (or Vitto as we call him in our house) is such a gorgeous  boy. I see him every Sunday and have taught him at school and he's just lovely. Not surprising really with such cool, kind parents.


Patty kept saying she was going to keep it simple and have no refreshments, then we turned up to a lovely spread of food and these super cute bags for the kids to take away

Love the bag idea, guess what my kids will be having at their baptisms?!?!?!?

I figured that since I did a little bit of research for speaking at kids baptisms, I should record what I did cause then I'll be more prepared next time (maybe when Mac asks me?!?!?!?)

Faith - I spoke of how the apostle Paul talks about Faith in the scriptures, and how Alma taught that Faith is to believe in things that are unseesn. Then I sang the song Faith (both verses!).
Then I spoke about how we can learn from the Faith of others like Daniel in the Lion's Den, the stripling warriors, Joseph Smith praying in the sacred grove and the early pioneers having Faith to join the church and move to the Salt Lake Valley.

Repentance - I showed a poster with the 5 steps of repentance (all beginning with R to make them more memorable)

Then I gave a scenario of how he might have made a bad choice and how he might have felt afterwards. The scenario was about him doing something he was told not to do and then lying about it and getting his younger brother in trouble. We talked through how 5 Rs of repentance would apply to this example. Then I gave him a new white pillowcase with the poem about Repentance.

Our old Bishop talked about Baptism and the Holy Ghost and I loved how he did them both.

Baptism - He got Victor to stand up and do 3 actions with him in front of the congregation
Handshake, pinky promise and 'hand on heart'. Then he explained why we do each one. As a sign of a deal, promise, commitment to do our best, keep our end of a bargain, represent our country/group well. He spoke of how baptism is a deal, covenant, promise with Heavenly Father. And the KAT below, is one thing that I found on the net about remembering those baptismal covenants. (Your baptismal KIT.....perfectly fitting to give out KITKAT chocolate bars)

Holy Ghost - Have you ever heard of a guide dog? Description of what they people, warn of danger, keep you on the right path
Have you ever heard of a safety guide? Description of what they do....go ahead to find the best way, look for places of danger and safety, help you

The Holy Ghost is like a guide. He warns, comforts, teaches, inspires, reminds.

And I love the traffic light analogy for teaching about the Holy Ghost, how he gives us the green light when things are good and safe, the orange light as a warning and the red light when something is wrong or unsafe.

These kids love any excuse to hang out with their friends at the chapel and eat junk food

I can't believe we're JUST under a year away from Mac's baptism, and then Faith next year as well. Where does the time go?!?!?!?!?

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