Saturday 13 July 2013

I'm the big 3-0!!!!

Last Sunday it was my 30th Birthday......a real milestone. Can't believe I've joined that club!

I not going to deny it, I was hoping that I'd have a party, but I didn't hold out much hope that it would happen. We had Seth's party on the Friday and I hadn't heard any inklings of plans happening so I thought it would be another 'happy birthday honey' and that's it. Actually the only thing I'd been told was 'Everyone will come over for a family potluck dinner on Sunday ok, so get over it!!!!' That was spoken out of frustration by my lovely husband after I reminded him of my disappointment at my previous birthday after I'd just given birth to Seth!

To my shock and overwhelming surprise, there was a party planned for me!!!!! Sneakily it was under the guise of a family friendly party at the park for Rose Bennett's 9th birthday. We went over to the Onepoto Basin Community Centre and instead of walking into Rose's party like I was expecting, I walked into my own!!!!! I couldn't believe it, my awesome family had organised a special party just for my 30th. WOW is an understatement for how I felt. My heart's even racing a bit as I write about it.

We had lots and lots of my favourite food, cake, games, fun, laughs, and a card and present that was extremely exciting on top of the excitement of the party.

A cool photo backdrop that I've had on my 'parties' wall for a while.

The Stoners (makes me sad looking at this pic now cause Uncle Pete moved back to Australia during the week :( )

Another Pinterest Idea....throw the twisties onto the shaving foam covered shower cap

Makes for very cute photos!!!!

Love this lil guy with his dumbo attached like that, cute Pency!!!!!

'Typical!!!!!!!' as Daddy Joe would say

Presentation ceremony of my card with notification of my present, Shark Navigator Vacuum....yeeyah!!!!!

Old family fav - hit your balloon into the basket and try and get the other person's balloon away. I'd say we'll be re-doing this game as often as space permits. It's still fun even 20 years later

Mean choccie cake made by Aunty Nae. Mean on the night and meaner the next Yum!

Seffy was intrigued by this big brown guy who picked him up and talked to him for a while. He was speechless with the whole experience

The next morning (my actual birthday) I was awoken with breakfast in bed from my husbunny and big girl and then joined by the other two. The girls proceeded to open my presents and sing to me!
After church I was surprised to have a special package of treats left on the seat in my car.....a lolly lei, card and slideshow of pics. So so cool Aunty Nae, and I'm not sure if you're right about me looking 22, kids the other day at school made guesses of my age in the 20s, 30s and 40s!!!! Definitely right about the apron though, it's a staple piece of my uniform, along with grey trackpants usually :)
And Aunty Beezy and Uncle Pete came to our ward for the day so that was extra cool too. And they gave me a knew peachy cardigan (I've always like her one), and my favs.....Perky Nanas and Forever Friends Christmas cards. Spoilt!

I feel like I can't say enough how cool my birthday was. I got lots of cool things, but I think the thing that made me feel most special and happy was knowing that other people had thought of me and love me and wanted me to have a good time.

(Aunty Natty gave us a cool family experience present that will be my next blog entry....and Daddy Joe gave me a hair makeover so I'll do a before and after of that too)


  1. A "knew" peachy cardigan aye? Don't worry I won't tell Sherwood & Summerlands that your spelling's a bit suss lol....we wanted you to know how very special you are to us, so very glad you felt that way :) love you xxx

  2. Haha I didn't even notice! Cool party for a cool sissy. Sad I've got no more parties before I go :( But boy have we had some goodies!!!!
