Saturday 13 July 2013

Sky Tower Experience

The Willoughby's gave us tickets to the Sky Tower and Fortuna Buffet Restaurant for my birthday. What an experience it was, in a wonderful way. Although this is how it started....
We were about 2 or 3 minutes early for the restaurant to open so we were waiting at it's front door along with an elderly couple. The girls were playing with pebbles at the bottom of a big potplant. The lady (another patron) said to me, in a jokey tone, 'they better not play around with the food like that' (referring to the way they were playing with the pebbles). I said they wouldn't, I'd be watching them. She then proceeded to get down close to them and said to me 'It's best if Mum stays the good guy and a stranger tells them this' She said to the girls 'I pull the extremeties off little children who play at restaurants so look out and watch your behaviour'. I was a bit shocked she said that, albeit with a big smile. I wasn't impressed with her hiding behind jokey humor so I told her I'd watch them and she needn't worry about them. Turns out that she kept going, and told the waiters on Ella twice. Eventually I walked up to her and told her my children were fine and she better get over it!!!!! What a psycho woman!

Photo diary of how it went down...

Seth was pretty well behaved. Each time he made a noise we put more food in front of him but most of it ended up on the floor. He won the award for best behaved, but not really on account of him being brilliant, moreso that the others were just really really bad!

Typical plate - Faith

Typical plate - Ella

Typical plate - Daddy Joe (x5)

Typical plate - Mummy Mel

Ella ended up eating lemons while waiting for her Dad to finish

Ella was far too comfortable up here for my liking. She was leaning back on that glass without a care in the world. I just kept thinking she might be the first person ever to fall through the glass in a freak accident!

Thanks Aunty Natty, Uncle Kris, Jordy and Kyky. It was so exciting to go out for lunch and go up the SkyTower together. Something we've always talked about doing but we wouldn't probably do for ourselves, thanks to you guys, now we've done it :)


  1. Think I would've been a lot meaner to that lady, how rude!!

  2. Me too!!!!! Woah I really wanna track her down and...........;)
    I'm with you though Mell on the scariness of the tower. It's not for me :s
