Tuesday 30 July 2013

TOFW - Girl's Weekend


Since Time out for Women in July 2011 I've been excited for it to come around again, and last Saturday it finally did. I still occasionally think back to talks that I heard 2 years ago and I think that's a sign of a good messages and great presenters, and good listening skills on my part!

This year was the same - Talk about inspirational, motivational, thought provoking.....lots of food for thought. The theme of the conference was Think Higher, Believe Higher, Live Higher. That's inspirational just in itself!!!

I couldn't even write notes on what I learned if I tried cause it's all settling in my scatterbrain and new things keep coming to me, but these are a few things that stand out at this moment in time.

1. The greatest endowment is the divine gift of agency. Use it wisely
2. Choose to show up, even if you don't want to or don't know why
3. The Holy Ghost cannot work with us while we sit in the victim seat 'I had no choice'
4. We have a choice to be happy, brave, helpful, generous....
5. Choose to surrender, not because we see the Lord as strong and ourselves as weak but because we trust in him
6. Words are sacred......Say Love!
7. Conversion is not about sprinkling, but full immersion
8. Let go of fear and live in Faith
9. Sometimes we hold something that is special and we don't even realise what it is and what it can do
10. Don't be a timid Mormon
11. Live in such a way that we're able to receive revelation and that can bless ourselves and our families

And I'm loving the bag we were given. I love it even more now that I know it fits perfectly over the handles of the pushchair. Thanks Aunty Beezy for giving me yours. When my first one eventually dies, I'll have another one to keep me going

And of course it was all made better by the fact I got to spend Friday night going late night shopping with Aunty Nae and Aunty Beezy, and bunking down at Dad's house. 
And after TOFW, we went shopping again (don't tell my husband!) and to the Postman's Leg for a scrummy burger. Fantastic weekend and a great finale before Aunty Beezy goes home tomorrow :(

Kiwiyo on Friday night Fun little date night activity/treat

Dinner at the Postman's Leg, formerly known as the Glenfield Tavern. Great food and atmosphere for couples or families.

Already looking forward to TOFW 2015.....seriously!

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