Wednesday 31 July 2013

Pet Store & Bird Barn

Ella's kindy is around the corner from a pet shop. For the longest time the girls would ask to go there when we did the pick up in the afternoons/evenings. And for the longest time I said 'no, it's too cold', 'no we're in a hurry', 'no, maybe next time'. One day I finally said yes, and since then we've been about 10 times.

As much as I'd rather keep saying 'no' for some reason or other, the kids love it and seeing as we'll never ever ever have pets at home, I suppose this is the least I can do for them.

They're getting braver and braver each time we go. The first time they practically held on to my legs in the bird part and now they're quite happy to walk around by themselves (with a few little squeals when they get a bit close for their liking)

This is as close as my children will ever get to pets. Unfortunately their mother is 100% fixed on a 100% no pets policy.

Guinea pigs and Rabbits are stinky. Even they can figure that out without me saying it

Every now and again I have to remind myself to 'do things for the kids' rather than say no just because I don't want to. This is one of those times, and when we do, we're all happier for it :)

1 comment:

  1. Cute :) Imagine if you kept going there & caved in on your 100% no pets policy one day lol
