Tuesday 30 July 2013

Quote Boards for around the house

Last year I asked my friend Mary if she would be able to send me some stickers so I could make some quote boards for around the house, lounge, kid's rooms. Mary Pugh is so lovely and obliging that she made me exactly what I wanted and even sent over lots of extra bits and pieces.
Since they arrived I've known where they'd go and what colour they'd be, but I haven't made them because I've never gotten around to buying the wood. When I finally bought the wood I needed, then I didn't have the right saw to cut it into pieces. After about 8 months, I'm happy to say that I've made 4 of the boards. Thanks to our neighbours for lending us their saw (drop saw, circular saw, skill saw, jigsaw...can't remember which it was in the end!) I love having neighbours you can chat over the fence with, share dessert with when you've made too much, share tools with, give your fruit and veges when you're going away and they might go bad when you're gone, but that's a whole different blog post (and maybe a sad one since they put their house on the market today!)

I'm so pleased with how they've turned out. They add a special touch to the kid's rooms especially and I love they have this reminder of what we believe (even though they can't read them yet!) right next to their beds.

Now that the interior of the house has been painted and we have new carpet I feel like we can do some special things around the place to add to the spirit and feel of our our home.....exciting. Just can't go overboard on pinterest.

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