Sunday 7 July 2013

Seth Cromwell Heke's 1st Birthday

My precious little baby boy turned one 4 days ago. I can't believe we've had him for 1 whole year. It really does seem like yesterday that we bought this little man into our home, but the calender doesn't lie and he is in fact 1!!!!!!

Seffy you are such a joy my darling. You're easy going, smiley, cute, happy, inquisitive....the easiest of my 3 babys (so far!) And at our family functions, you always always always win the prize for the best behaved baby...yeeyah!

Cause you're our independence day baby there was no option but to have a red, white and blue party for you my son. And now that I've made special bunting for you, you'll probably have it every year (at least until you tell me to stop putting it

Here's some pics of our Little Seffy Ma Leffy.

The day before his birthday fresh from wake up!

This is the night of his official birthday, when we had pepperoni rolls for dinner. He didn't see his Dad at all on his birthday cause he had a big day at work and then went to Jujitsu...poor lil' man :(



My cutesy baby big boy with his very own birthday cake


 This was the adults dessert, homemade peanut, chocolate, Reeses icecreams. So so yum

And to conclude the night Seth needed a bath because of a butt explosion (which happens far toofrequently these days!)

 Happy 1st Birthday honey. The first year with you has been a delight and we're looking to lots and lots more




1 comment:

  1. A year really goes WAY too fast aye! Those icecreams were sooooooo good! Would love one now
