Thursday 18 July 2013

My special date weekend with Ella

Ella Bella is our middle baby at the moment and she rarely gets time with either parent one on one. It usually happens that Faith goes out with a parent cause she's older and easier or sometimes the girls come out together, but it hardly ever happens that Ella gets special time. So that's exactly what she's got this weekend. After our family time at the Sky Tower, Daddy Joe went to Hamilton for the weekend with Seth and Faith and Ella and I caught the train home. We did heaps together, went out and about, talked, laughed, cuddled and more. I've loved it sooooo much and she was very boggly for a lot of the time so I think it was good for her too.

1st afternoon after we got back off the train. Pooped! Very angry when I woke her up to get ready for the aeroview dance cause she was having a great snooze with Mrs Bunny

Ready for the dance....rua Maori wahine?!?!?! She calls them our 'marae faces'
Mac knew good refreshments when he saw them....these must have gone like hotcakes cause I didn't see them at all :(

Ella did her typical for a shared food situation, bypass all the yummy treats and head for apples, oranges and popcorn?!?!?

Cute lil twinnies

Spence won the prize for best dressed child in costume (his mexican brother and maori cousin were both good too but he won the top prize!)

A whole kingsize bar for this little body....if he was allowed I'm sure he would have given it a good go!

Hillarious EQ dance routine. Wish I had video footage to capture the 'lol' skit

So excited to be able to get out and help with the petrol at about 10:30pm on Friday night

Bonus that we got 3 big choccie bars for $1.50

Shopping at Dressmart on Saturday morning with Aunty Nae and Aunty Beezy. Almost turned out to be a long drive just for window shopping but 'Typo' saved the day and we got 4 'love letters' books

Ella all 'makeded up' for Gabe's 5th birthdady party. She did her lippy in the car on the drive there and I heard her saying 'I'm not using lots Mum, I'll put the lid on now' Wow, if this is not lots I'd hate to see what that would look like

The cute birthday boy and his amazing cake from Sis Sanchez

Painting frames for Mum and Dad's bedroom makeover. She did the hot pink one and I did the teal. Mine dried in about a quarter of the time it took hers to dry cause she'd used sooooooo much paint

Playing games on Mum's bed before bedtime. I loved having her in my bed. After the first night of clinging to me the whole night, she eased up and stayed on her side. She's a faster learner than her father!

I sat in bed on the lappy and 'checked my messages' before lights out and she wrote a letter to Faify to tell her about all the cool things she'd been doing with me.

When Faith came home she told us all about her great weekend away with cuzzies and aunties and uncles. She had a blast as did Ella and I. It was interesting that Faith said to me a couple of days later 'Mum, our family was broken this weekend cause we weren't altogether, but now we're fixed cause we're all home'. Interesting how her 4 year old brain perceived it.

I had a great time with one child and I look forward to having more one on one time with my kiddies when time and circumstance permits.

1 comment:

  1. Ooo yeah, would hate to see what lots of lippy looks like!! Can't wait to see if her love of makeup carries on or if it's just a passing phase. So glad you two had such a special weekend together xx
