Sunday 15 December 2013

Christmas Crafites

A couple of weeks ago when I got out the Christmas box, I remembered I had a few things I wanted to make (or finish making!) so I got my craft on and made quite good progress.

Stuffed Hearts (I've made 6 so far and then ran out of filling but I want to do about 6 more so still unfinished) They kinda remind me of the stuffed trees, hearts and candy canes that Mum had made for our tree years ago

Re-usable 'wrapping' bags - Once again I've made about 6 and will probably make another 6. They're one of the easiest things I've ever made so if I ever come across cheap fabric or pillowcases I'll add to my collection. Looking forward to folding them back up and using them year after year with no piles of paper rubbish to clear away

Cork Christmas trees - I did these last year but I can't remember if I ever took a photo. There's kind of one for each member of the family

I made these necklaces for the girls to go with their loads of hairtyes and hairclips present bag....they saw them yesterday before church so they've now been used early! I'll make each of us a christmas colours one for our family photo

Christmas message chalkboard and printables in frames - These were a last minute thing the other night cause the idea just popped into my head and I've got a million photo frames in the garage so I could make them from start to finish without having to buy anything (except printing the pics)....big bonus cause I hate it when I think to do something but I get stopped because I need to go to the shops for bits and pieces (which inevitably costs more than I anticipated!) Now they're up on the piano with the cork trees and advent calender/board

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad all that materials gone to good use. Cute decorations, i think I'll make some like that this year. I really like them coz they remind me of mum but they're cleaner than hers!! lol
