Sunday 22 December 2013

From Daddy Joe's phone

I couldn't resist taking a sneaky shot of what they get up to during sacrament....sometimes quietly, sometimes very noisily!!!

At Cezanne's setting apart (he used to work for Dad in the tunnel)

Faith being a line leader at the Spring Fling (folk dancing)

What Daddy Joe gets up to when he has some free time on his hands

The girls went Rock Climbing with the Willoughby's in Hamilton.  Faith was nervous when I told her what they'd be doing, but they both ended up loving it

A guy that Daddy Joe met walking out of the temple. They'd never met before, but talked for a while and Joe asked me to take a pic before they said goodbye?!?!?!

A fire alarm at church....inconvenient to have to evacuate for 15 minutes, but the kids all thought it was very exciting. Never found out why the alarm went off actually

1 comment:

  1. Haha the dress Ella is wearing in the first photo made me lol. Oh I love rockclimbing wish I could have come. Wish I could do some folk dancing too!
