Wednesday 4 December 2013

Summerland Gala

We had a really fun time at the Summerland Gala last week. So glad I worked on the day and we were able to stay afterwards and be there for the beginning of it cause it was crazy with everyone walking around and trying to park cars in every possible space.

Some of the things I got from the hall of STUFF........

Everyone's got one of these and now we do's like brand new!

So stoked that I was able to get a new yellow and red trike for Seth and a big white wooden toy box for the girls room. Will post a pic when I get round to painting it up.

Plus I got a couple of toys for nursery and 2 brand new flutter boards for the kids at the pools!

The hall of stuff was popular with the punters....there must have been 50+ people in the line for almost an hour before it even started

I said Faith could have $5 and it could be spent on one food thing and one ride. I ended up changing my mind about the ride cause the lines got long and it was $4 anyways. So she got this fairy pack with lollies, a notebook, pencil and rubber for $2 and some candyfloss
And last but not least, I was super chuffed to get this Tooth fairy pillow which was made by one of the teachers. Now I'm all prepared for when Faith loses her first tooth and every time it happens I can pull out the little tooth pillow and swap the tooth for $1. Too easy!

1 comment:

  1. Cool cushion! :) and LOVE that photo of you and your big girl x
