Monday 2 December 2013

'tis the season.....

Yay, it's december, and Christmas is coming. In the past we've had a little baby tree, probably about half my height. This year I decided it was time to get a bigger one and I'm so glad I did. Our home feels much more Christmassy than it ever has before.

FHE tonight was putting it up and reading a Christmas story about the 3 wise men taking gifts to the baby Jesus. Faith understand Christmas is not just about Santa, but Christ's birth. Ella says Christmas is about going to the church party.

My little elf helped me for a bit (fastest she's ever done her homework!) and then said she needed a break for have afternoon tea after about 2 minutes

Ella and Seffy came shopping for some lights and enjoyed a roam around the warehouse with Faith pushing them

I wonder how long it will stay upright before someone yells out crying (and lying underneath it)

A bit of a mess on the entertainment unit, but we've got 3 nativities and I've got one other one half made in the garage. Seth's already lost Joseph's head (which was broken off 2 years ago and miraculously never misplaced) And that's why Mum's special ceramic one will probably not see the light of day for another 10 years!
I got a great gift box from my Visiting teachers a few weeks ago and the girls were excited to do the Christmas cracker from it

The tree......still a few  things to make for it (I want to make some stuffed fabric hearts like Mum made for our one years ago).

Now I'm excited to start thinking about our Christmas countdown. We'll start it with 12 days to go, rather than the whole month of December (mainly cause that's less days for me to plan for).

And at that point I'm going to be organised with some kind of Christmas pixie too (like the Elf of the shelf concept).....such a fun time of year! The girls are soaking it all up and it's rubbing off on me. Faith came home from school today and said she knows humans aren't supposed to see Santa's house, but could I please take her to the North Pole to see him because her friend Lazarus was getting to go. When I said that she wouldn't actually be seeing Santa, she said 'yes she is, she told us for news this morning that she's going to the north pole and I've been thinking all day that I really want to as well.....PLEASE!'

Before we know it we'll be pulling out the mattresses into the lounge and sleeping together for Christmas eve....23 sleeps to go


  1. I still have a Christmas decoration your mum gave me when she was my primary teacher in 1998 :)

    1. I remember those ones Nicole!! That's so sweet you still have it :) x

    2. I remember those too! Cool you still have it alright :)

  2. Glad the tree worked out o.k :) It looks cool! x

  3. So nice of your visiting teachers. Who are they?
