Monday 16 December 2013

VT treats and teacher's present

This is what we managed to put together for some little pressies this year.....just in the nick of time!

Aunty Nae and I had talked about a 12 days of christmas kind of present for our Visiting Teaching sisters. I loved the idea and decided I'd cut it down a bit and do 7 days of christmas.....that eventually turned in to 5!!! I'll pop them around to my homes this evening with my little 5 and 3 year old companions.

And for Faith's teacher's present we made her 3 necklaces and got her some choccie + a Prezzy card. Hopefully she liked it....I know Faith was super super excited to give it to her!


  1. Sweet pressies! They all look cool :) I'd be chuffed to get any one of those!

  2. Lucky VT sisters. I didn't do anything this year. Will have to try harder next year. I'd be so chuffed too!
