Wednesday 18 December 2013

Christmas Parties (Stars Kindy & Aeroview Ward Carols Night)

Aeroview Ward Christmas Carols Party....brilliant idea, thanks for the invitation Leone Family

The nativity and Santa's Grotto were both so so so well done

Faith loves the big red guy who gives out presents.......

Seth not so much....and Ella went really quiet and backed up behind me until she almost fell off the back of the stage

Stars Kindy Christmas Party (+ Nativity Show)

Ella had to be in party clothes or cultural dress so we combined the two, a christmas maori girl!

Seth was even party of the show. His Tui Room did 3 christmas songs

Ella's room did a christmas song with the letters of Christmas 

Seth got his first 2 hot wheels cars ever, and we managed to make it home without losing them yet

Waiting for Santa to call her name......super super nervous

He called her name and she burst into tears and clung onto my leg for about 5 minutes before I could jolly her up to open the present

The shared lunch afterwards was delish. ....between my egg and salad sandwiches, and a passionfruit cheesecake that some lovely person brought, I was in heaven!

And the girls chowed down on cupcakes, cheerios and corn chips....full tummies all round

Seth brought home a little stapled bag that was full of special things he's made the last couple of weeks

2 christmas parties down, now I think we've got our nursery christmas party on Sunday, Daddy Joe's birthday on Monday, Christmas Eve with the Heke's on Tuesday, Christmas on Wednesday and then we can breathe a sigh of relief that it's all done for another year! But I do love it all!

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