Saturday 28 December 2013

Sunny Days....

We're really enjoying the sunny weather that's pretty much coming day after day at the moment....well actually my garden's suffering, but I'm loving it for washing, playing outside, eating on the deck. It's so good to be able to have the doors open, the gate on the driveway closed and know that the kids can roam in and out and find things to do. Lately they've done chalk outside, we've walked to the dairy, played with the hose, weeded the garden, practised rugby, climbed our one and only tree. And now we've got a trampoline to add to our outside activities....yay!!! (more about christmas soon)

The girls were pretty surprised to open the kitchen blinds at lunchtime on Christmas day and find this beauty outside. 'Santa' had been outside for about 3 hours putting it up while they thought he was at a meeting

Ella's new mickey mouse memory cards...she's really really good at it

Faith playing a new toy story computer game thingy from the Willoughbys. She wasn't very impressed that I walked in her way!

Ella's been so tuckered out lately that she asks to go to my bed with me for a midday sleep......sweet!

Look how I found these critters one afternoon....big sissy's idea

Going to the mall with $2 each from Aunty Beezy (in their new wallets)

Ella ran to the peg baskets as if they were the coolest things she could buy for $2

Faith couldn't find the bey blades she wanted so she chose this....too bad it was well beyond her budget at $19.90

We settled on twistables and giant colouring pages (they contributed their $4 and I paid the rest).  A good buy cause they're both having good colouring time at the table as I type this!

And this is how our lounge looked at about 6pm on Saturday evening....right before I made everyone pitch in and tidy it (on Daddy Joe's watch of course)


  1. peg baskets for all her sorting all their toy friends they got up on the tramp with them. pod was doing meditation on the tramp on Christmas day too!! Does she meditate often or does she think meditation & tramps go together for some reason?

  2. THat was a sweet choice of pressie from the $2 shop. I'd be up for a bit of that coloring. And a bit of trampolining
