Saturday 28 December 2013

Ella's Nursery Graduation

Today my middle baby (and 3 of my other nursery kids) graduated from Nursery. Sad day for me as a Mummy and nursery leader :(

I've been excited and sad for this day all week. Nursery is certainly going to be very different next week without my little Ella Bella with me. But I'm looking forward to seeing her grow and learn new things in with so many things in life, it's bitter/sweet.

I made all the food and the movie, and Daddy Joe did the special graduation caps for us. He did such a good job!!!

Ella wouldn't join in for the group shot

Straight home to play with her babies (in her special 'Mummy dress' of course)

1 comment:

  1. Oh man that was so cool!! Loved it! What a cool vid :) You crack me up with your babies & your mummy dress Miss Ella Bella! xx
