Wednesday 30 July 2014

Faith's dress up day at school

On Monday afternoon Faith got in the car from school and was so excited to say 'I've got to dress up on Thursday like a famous person'. Yay, I'd just been thinking that very same day that it would be cool for her have a dress up day...perfect timing.

I questioned her to find out more, are you sure it's thursday? (didn't want to send her all dressed up if she'd got the day wrong), does it have to be a real person or could it be a character? (she mentioned Frankenstein?!!?), do you wear it to school or wear your uniform and get changed into the costume later on?

She didn't have any satisfactory answers to my questions (typical) and when I asked if she had a newsletter about it she said 'we're going to get a letter about it on Thursday'...what? get a letter about it on the day it's supposed to be happening? Sometimes I wonder about that girl!!!!

I said I'd wait to plan something until I heard about it properly and thankfully she came home the next day with the confirmation I wanted before putting effort into getting things ready.

I read out the newsletter to her and asked her if she could think of anyone who's done something GREAT and she looked straight back at me and said 'Moses, I'll be Moses. He did lots of GREAT things!!!!' So here you have it, Faith Kathleen aka Moses.

I made the costume (don't look closely, the workmanship was terrible!), and Daddy Joe cut out the  commandments so I could paint the hebrew writing on them. And Faith insisted on having a staff so late last night he had to go and cut down a branch off the tree by the trampoline

We took her into her class this morning cause we wanted to see her with her friends but also cause she needed help carrying in all her props! She was extra excited that I let her take in her Old Testament reader and the Prince of Egypt DVD.

My little Moses waiting at the fence after school
So proud of this baby of mine, she's a keeper!!!!! (as are all my children)

Monday 28 July 2014

Stuff Lately x13

Poor lil' Dilly always has to wait until I get around to her for  her turn in the bath. This night her brother and sisters took so long she put herself to sleep in front of the TV!

Daddy Joe gearing up for Chipmunks with all 4 babies while I went up north to Gloria's mission farewell

Grandie's dinner plate

My dinner plate....not quite, but my goodness these were good. German Chocolate cupcakes

On a trip to Kmart last week I got each of the kids one of these toys. I anticipated fights over which belonged to who, but as it turns out, both of the girls walked in the door from kindy and school and said I was so kind to buy special toys for Dallin. So I just left it at that, they're all Dallin's

Pretty sweet for only $2 each

Faith's homework writing on Friday afternoon. Thanks Faith, this just scored me a few hours to myself on Saturday arvo

Faith's first selfie

The soup I  made for our linger longer after ward conference

I'd never made it before so it was a bit of a gamble to take it to something, but it ended up being quite nice....liquid lasagne as my lovely husband said. (sounds kinda gross but it was the first to be finished so that's gotta say something)

Faith's got her new beenie on about 23/7 these days

Family history is happening in earnest around here.....I'm hooked at the moment

So cool to see Mum's handwriting and all the hard work she put into researching her genealogy.  I read some cool stories about her family last when Gran's sisters were young and they accidentally got drunk.

The scripture that she'd written down at the top of the left page here is pretty serious....

15 And now, my dearly beloved brethren and sisters, let me assure you that these are principles in relation to the dead and the living that cannot be lightly passed over, as pertaining to our salvation. For their salvation is necessary and essential to our salvation, as Paul says concerning the fathers—that they without us cannot be made perfect—neither can we without our dead be made perfect.

When I got out all my family history folders a few days ago I found this letter that Nan wrote to me with all her brother's and sister's details. There's something about seeing people's handwriting that makes things more special. Will have to remember that and stop using a computer all the time

Daddy Joe randomly brought these egg rings and I absolutely love them. It's always dangerous sending him to Pak N Save, I asked him to pick up about 3 things for my tomato soup and he came out with $50 worth of miscellaneous stuff, including these egg rings! Each time I asked why he got something he said 'the kids asked for it'....lucky he doesn't do our grocery shopping every week or I'd hate to see the bill. If I got everything they asked for our bill would be 5x the price....but they know Mum always says 'maybe one day' or 'we don't have enough money for that' or 'that would be really bad for your teeth'. I wonder who they'd rather go shopping with?!?!?!

Anyways, I digress, One of my favourite foods ever is a Bacon 'n Egg McMuffin from McDonalds and despite my best efforts I've never been able to make one that taste like theirs.....until now that is. I know, how hard can it be? It's just egg, bacon and an English Muffin! But I've now realised that just having the egg cooked in these rings makes all the difference. Bacon 'n Egg McMuffins will be happening here every couple of weeks now I if I start looking like one you'll know why!

FHE - I can help my family be happy

We have lots of crying and fighting around our home......any of that is too much and I'm pretty sure we have more than our fair share. So last night we  had a lesson about being happy. Sweet and simple enough for even Seth to understand.

We started off talking about different 'faces' we have at any given time of the day.

Then we filled in either a happy or sad face on the pictures below (Friend Magazine)
I found this printable on pinterest and it was perfect for drawing lots of happy faces

Ella loved it!!!

Mum's happy faces

The last bit of the lesson led us to refreshments which was to make happy faces with lollies and talk about things that make us happy

Now when the kids are grumpy, angry or sad, we have a word that should help us all crack a smile....CHEESE!

This morning I was grumpy with Faith when she was supposed to be putting her uniform on for school and she looked at me and shouted 'CHEESE MUM!' Seems the message got through!

Sunday 27 July 2014

FHE - The Priesthood can help me

The Priesthood can help me & Family Trees

We started off by singing 'Miss Polly' so we could talk about how Miss Polly called the Doctor because her dolly was sick, just like we often go to the Dr when we're sick. But we can also call upon the powers of heaven to give relief, comfort & healing. The girls have had many blessings themselves in their short lives, and been present for a lot as well so it's something they're fairly familiar with. As time goes on, they're even starting to ask for one from Daddy Joe if they're hurt or sick. I know it's the first thing I think to do when someone's not quite feeling right around here. And boy am I thankful to be able to do that. Even if relief isn't immediate, comfort definitely comes straight away when you know you've called on the power of heaven through the priesthood. I look forward to the day when my little Seffy can be schooled up by his Dad and teachers and join in.

The girls were chuffed with their little Drs bag with plasters to explain priesthood blessings, especially Faith cause she could read the captions on each one
Our night time reading a couple of weeks ago was how Abraham and Sarah had Isaac, he married Rebekah, they had Jacob and Esau and so on. The girls were quite good at remembering who's who, so we did this family tree to put it all out on paper

Ella's favourite part of this whole thing is Jacob and Esau.
She loves to say Esau sounds like a See Saw at the park

Then they each did their own family tree

Faith did so well sounding out everyone's names. Love what she got down in the end

