Monday 28 July 2014

FHE - I can help my family be happy

We have lots of crying and fighting around our home......any of that is too much and I'm pretty sure we have more than our fair share. So last night we  had a lesson about being happy. Sweet and simple enough for even Seth to understand.

We started off talking about different 'faces' we have at any given time of the day.

Then we filled in either a happy or sad face on the pictures below (Friend Magazine)
I found this printable on pinterest and it was perfect for drawing lots of happy faces

Ella loved it!!!

Mum's happy faces

The last bit of the lesson led us to refreshments which was to make happy faces with lollies and talk about things that make us happy

Now when the kids are grumpy, angry or sad, we have a word that should help us all crack a smile....CHEESE!

This morning I was grumpy with Faith when she was supposed to be putting her uniform on for school and she looked at me and shouted 'CHEESE MUM!' Seems the message got through!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, another cool one. I love it! That's 3 cool lessons in a row for me, sweet!! Thanks Aunty Mell x
