Sunday 27 July 2014

Family History Buzz

Was helping Daddy Joe do some family history work on Saturday and got a bit caught up in my own.....such a cool buzz!!! Now I know why Mum actually enjoyed spending time at the family history library, it's not really just boring old microfiche like I've always thought.
I'd love to do it once a week with peace and quiet from my children as well. As it stands, I'll try and get some done while they're napping during the day instead.

Oliver Cromwell Ormsby (My great grandad)

Oliver Cromwell Ormsby and Katherine Jane Borell (My great grandparents)
with 3 of their daughters, Selina, Ada & Edna
Aunty Nae's right, can definitely see Dad's eyes in his grandmother

Selina Faulkner (My great great grandmother)....Katherine Jane Borell's Mum

Gilbert William Ormsby and Eliza Moore (my great great grandparents)
Oliver Cromwell's Mum and Dad (they had 12 children and he was the eldest of 14 children!)

This is the description that's been put in about Gilbert (the man in the picture above). Sounds like he was pretty massive. Well actually I just looked up 16 stone and that's only 100kg which isn't big at all, but definitely tall
Joyce Jesse Jordan (my gran)
Alexander Gallagher and Joyce Jordan on their wedding day (Gran and Grandad)
Gran (2nd from right)

Grandad with his siblings
I think he's the baby

Gran as I remember her


  1. So cool Mell. After you posted these on Facebook I logged onto mine (during sacrament lol). It's so interesting. I wish they'd all written journals. Reminded me to do mine tonight

  2. yea really cool alright :) I'll have a look at it too hopefully sometime soon when I get my life back to normal! But in the meantime put up more pics if you find them cause they're so fun to look at xx
