Thursday 17 July 2014

Stuff lately x12

Dilly had a sleep in Cuzzy Spence's bed last week. She's doing so much better with sleeping on her own now.....finally!
And these two are so good at playing nicely together now...after a rough go of it in the early years, now at 6 and nearly 6, it's like they can actually be together for a few hours without fighting, rather than the old 2 minutes and scrapping like crazy
Aunty Nae came and looked after all 4 of our munchkins so we could go out last saturday night and it was sooooo cool. We had intended on getting a burger and then going to the end of the youth songfest but as we drove in the carpark at 8:02pm, everyone was walking out....oops! So we went to timezone and Kmart instead (even better in my opinion!)

I won!

I kicked his butt again.....27-58!!!
Doesn't get much better than this for a 31 year old mother of 4....late night shopping at Kmart

....for high viz work shirts!
My new BOM reading schedule that I started yesterday. And I'm going to do it out of the book rather than off the phone to see if concentration and comprehension is better....hope so
Faith watched two movies like this with her sissy yesterday (Dallin wasn't awake for 2 whole movies, but she did lie like this really well for about half an hour each time)

Mrs Heke made Faith do a school holiday project about lions....she really did enjoy it...honest!

My shopping helpers

Our school holiday outing to the new chipmunks down the road....fantastic fun and very manageable from my point of view. If it was cheaper I'd say we'd go once a week. Maybe once a holidays will have to do

This little monkey girl is getting so strong with her tummy time and she kicks her legs about like she's gonna get up on all 4s and crawl away....not yet please baby.

4 year immunisations for Ella and she was sooooo brave and happy about it

And this wee poppet did good for her 3 month ones
Ella Con Carne was chuffed to say the least with her special package care of Aunty Natty

Now she can watch Barney with Barney

Faith helped me decorate our latest letter for Nan in Australia (not her birthday for another 3 months though...oops!)

Blast from the past....Yummy going in, but stinky coming out as Faith and I discovered out last night...hehe!


  1. Cool pics :) Poo about the peanuts!

  2. Poo alright! I'm glad I don't feel sick anymore coz just seeing that would've made me spew. I love that pic of Dallin before her jab. So cute. I'd love to get Faith to do a presentation of her project to me. I think I'd die from the cuteness
