Thursday 24 July 2014

My Faithy Giggle Potts

On the last Friday of the holidays my Faithy K K (Giggle Potts), wanted to write a letter to my 3 Ormsby Sissys, so she got herself set up at the table with paper, paints, stickers and went to town for an hour or so while Dallin was asleep and I made dinner.

She was sooooo excited to walk down the road to post them and we even turned it into an outing to the library at the same time which was cool for all 3 of us

It was about 2 in the afternoon when we went out to post the letters and she was still in her jammies from the night before (covered up with a hoodie) 

The pic she drew after I told her the story about how we got lost on the way back from Gloria's farewell party in Whangarei
 I hardly ever make it into her class, but this morning I raced in with Dallin so she could show me what she's been doing lately. Wish I could stroll in every morning like so many other Mums but it's definitely in the too hard basket when I've got everyone with me:( Will make and effort to do it on Fridays when Ella and Seth are at kindy
Favourite animal


Hairy McLairy Art

Jack and Beanstalk Castle

Can't believe this baby's going to be 6 in about 5 weeks time. Where had the time gone?
Seems like just yesterday we brought this little alien home from the hospital

This was one of her/our attempts at a passport photo which reminds me I better get Dallin's ready for her trip over to Oz next month. We'll probably be able to get a shot of her like this too cause she does it all the time


  1. Yea, that was the coolest surprise getting that in the mail!! She's such a sweetie your big girl :) Love all her classroom art - & the cool map of our nightmare trip back to Auckland last weekend lol (acutally no I'm not laughing about that - 2nd to worst trip ever!!) (I've decided Christchurch was worse cause it was alot longer)

  2. Oh man I'd love to snuggle that little baby again. She is such a special girl. I got my letter today yay!!! So exciting.
