Wednesday 30 July 2014

Faith's dress up day at school

On Monday afternoon Faith got in the car from school and was so excited to say 'I've got to dress up on Thursday like a famous person'. Yay, I'd just been thinking that very same day that it would be cool for her have a dress up day...perfect timing.

I questioned her to find out more, are you sure it's thursday? (didn't want to send her all dressed up if she'd got the day wrong), does it have to be a real person or could it be a character? (she mentioned Frankenstein?!!?), do you wear it to school or wear your uniform and get changed into the costume later on?

She didn't have any satisfactory answers to my questions (typical) and when I asked if she had a newsletter about it she said 'we're going to get a letter about it on Thursday'...what? get a letter about it on the day it's supposed to be happening? Sometimes I wonder about that girl!!!!

I said I'd wait to plan something until I heard about it properly and thankfully she came home the next day with the confirmation I wanted before putting effort into getting things ready.

I read out the newsletter to her and asked her if she could think of anyone who's done something GREAT and she looked straight back at me and said 'Moses, I'll be Moses. He did lots of GREAT things!!!!' So here you have it, Faith Kathleen aka Moses.

I made the costume (don't look closely, the workmanship was terrible!), and Daddy Joe cut out the  commandments so I could paint the hebrew writing on them. And Faith insisted on having a staff so late last night he had to go and cut down a branch off the tree by the trampoline

We took her into her class this morning cause we wanted to see her with her friends but also cause she needed help carrying in all her props! She was extra excited that I let her take in her Old Testament reader and the Prince of Egypt DVD.

My little Moses waiting at the fence after school
So proud of this baby of mine, she's a keeper!!!!! (as are all my children)

1 comment:

  1. I'm kinda bummed you concluded she's a keeper, cause if you didn't want her I'd love to have her as my own haha ;) Jokes, but she's definitely a special one your faithy babe. I love her to pieces :) We tried to call her tonight cause Mac didn't know who she was!!! I ended up telling him, but told him he'd have to call for Pod to tell him all about Moses....So we'll try again tomorrow
