Thursday 10 July 2014

FHEs lately

Stranger Danger - I used the good old 'Never talk to Strangers' book that Mum used with us when we were little. It kept the girls interest pretty good and hopefully they've learned never to go with strangers.

Love seat - My aim for this lesson was to encourage all of us to be more open and frequent with expressing our love for one another, so each person had a turn on the 'love seat' (bean bag) while everyone said things they love about that person

I will be honest with Heavenly Father, others, and myself - I taught this lesson by telling two stories to the girls. They listened intently and keep referring back to them, along with Ella saying 'It's good when I'm honest aye' and 'Are you proud of me cause I was honest?'....still room for improvement though!

One story I told was about a little boy called Thomas who went to the snow for a week with his family. He had a great time and was excited to tell everyone at school about his trip when we went back to his class. On his first morning back, the teacher said 'Hi Thomas, it's nice to have you back, where have you been?' His Mum's reply was 'Thomas hasn't been at school because he's been sick all week'. His Mum didn't tell the truth about why Thomas was away and that's not very good. She should have been honest with the teacher and said they went on a holiday.

The next story was about a little girl called Claire who was at Kindy. She liked going to see the rabbits in their cage but she knew that the kids weren't allowed to open the cage and put the rabbits on their knees. She always kept this rule, but one day while the kids were tidying up for home time she decided to get them out for just a minute while no one was watching. One of the rabbits hopped straight off her knee and ran through a hole in the kindy fence. While the kids were having mat time one of the teachers came up and said 'Fluffy the rabbit has gotten out of the cage, did anyone see what happened?' Claire put her hand up and said 'I know what happened, I saw James open the cage and Fluffy hopped away'. Claire wasn't honest, she should have admitted that it was her that opened the cage and said sorry for what she'd done.

The girls keep talking about those stories, which goes to show they really do listen and learn through story telling. When we saw a picture of a boy in the snow a few days later, Faith asked 'Is that Thomas?' Lol.

What's missing? Aunty Beezy taught us this game when her and Uncle Pete were over and we played 'Memory'. Instead of covering 10 or so things and writing down what's there, we had about 8 things and each person had a turn at covering their eyes while something was taken away and they had to tell us what was gone. Ella was super duper quick at this game!!!

The temple is a house of God I brought a poster of the NZ temple when I was down there on the weekend. The girls told us things they knew about the temple and I wrote them on the yellow post-its. Then Daddy Joe and I added a few more things on the pink ones.

Yellow (the girls):
-The temple has a nice garden around it
-You can get married in there
-It has a pointy spire on the top and a NZ flag at the front
-We do baptisms for people who have died and they don't have a body to do it anymore
-We need to keep the temple clean from dirt and fingerprints and catfood (Ella added that last one at one stage, not sure why?!?!)
-You need a temple recommend to go inside and you need to be a good person

Pink (Mum and Dad):
-The temple is the House of the Lord
-You need to pay tithing to get a temple recommend
-Youth can do temple baptisms when they're 12
-If we make bad choices we might not be allowed to go in
-Families can be sealed together forever in the temple

It was really cool to find out that they already know quite a bit about the temple and we could teach them a little more. Gosh I can't wait until the day when I get to go in with all my babies

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