Sunday 6 July 2014

Seth's 2nd birthday

I can't believe my baby boy turned 2 yesterday. He's  definitely growing up too fast!!!!!!
Makes me so happy and sad at the same time.

Mumma packed him off to kindy for the day, which he wasn't really happy about....oops! But at least I gave him some little pressies before he left (slippers, car mat and puzzle). He's got a balance bike in the garage but we didn't bother getting it out cause it's pretty much cold to freezing every day at the moment.....Good old NZ....annoying!

My lovely friend Heidi came over unannounced and helped with some decorations

Pretty yum snickers slice cake (will post the recipe another day)

Definitely need some heating and lighting on the deck now that we can eat out there in winter

Firi with Aunty Naenae

No apron shot this time, a dressing gown one was pretty cold on the deck!

And cause my sunny man is 2, here's 2 things I love about him.

1. Seffy is so so so happy and funny and cute and cheery....still so easy (95% of the time!)

2. He's learning to talk really well and I love that he has a little lisp and can't say s properly yet. I think my favourite is when you ask him 'how are you?' he always says 'good thank you'.

Was so funny today in sacrament when the youth sang their spiritual song for songfest coming up in a couple of weeks. Just as they finished and it went really quiet, he called out 'sit down!!!!'. Then I closed my eyes for a moment, not cause I was falling asleep, just thinking with my eyes closed and he goes 'Mum, wake up!!!' No such thing as a quiet voice aye son, but despite your loud voice at inopportune times, I still love to hear you talking.

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