Tuesday 30 September 2014

Scone Heaven

I've always thought of scones as a pensioner morning/afternoon tea type food. So it seems Faith is well beyond her years because ever since she was about 2, she's been a sucker for a cheese scone. Whenever we go to a cafe, which isn't often, but every time, it cracks me up that she chooses a cheese scone. Of all the muffins and slices and cakes, she chooses a scone! And when she's with me for the grocery shopping, she gets to choose something from the bakery, and after lots of umming and ahhhing, I'd say 90% of the time she goes for the good old classic cheese scone.

A few weeks ago when she chose her supermarket treat, I told her we'd have to go to Grandie's house for scone making lessons. An old lady heard me say that and gave me a quick run down on how easy they are to make. We told Grandie about our idea, and he was keen to help, but he also told me you can buy 'scone mix'. Oh my goodness, how did I not know this? Now I've brought it 2 weeks in a row and we're loving it.

Just add 1 cup of cold water and it's done....seriously, that's it.
Well, that could be it, but of course we add cheese to ours and a teaspoon of mixed herbs takes them to the next level.

Welcome to Scone heaven!!!!

FHE - Scripture Heroes

We wanted the kids to realise the scriptures are not just stories with pretend characters, but they're about real people who lived a long time ago and we can learn from what they said and did....good or bad.

So I found a blog where a lady makes cool scripture hero posters for her own FHEs. She's done loads of them but we just talked about 3 this week.

When I asked if they could think of a character from the Bible, Ella said Jesus and Faith said Jonah.....too bad I hadn't done those ones this time.

We talked about some heroes we could think of from the Book of Mormon (Nephi, Abinadi and Moroni), then did a little colouring in before refreshments.

Obviously riveting stuff for my husband!

Ella chose to give hers to Jordy

And Faith chose Mcay...oops!

Thursday 25 September 2014

Snickers/Caramello Cheesecakes

Snickers/Caramel Cheesecakes (made 2 really really full little cakes, this is half of the usual recipe for a normal sized cake tin)


 10 oreos
50g butter
250g cream cheese
1/2 C condensed milk
4 rows of caramel chocolate
2 snickers bar
1/2 C whipped cream


About 10 oreos (I lucked out and found some that had peanut butter cream in the middle...perfect for a snickers cheesecake)
50g-ish melted butter
Mix together and press into tin lined with baking paper. Chill in the fridge


In  bowl mix condensed milk and half of the cream cheese

In another bowl, melt chocolate and then mix with the other half of the cream cheese

Mix 2 cream cheese mixtures together

Fold in 1/2 C whipped cream

Cut up 1 snickers and mix through.

Put into tins on top of the base. Put some snickers pieces on top and then chill until ready to serve. About 4 hours or can be done the day before.


Wednesday 24 September 2014

Stuff lately x 16

I stumbled across the MKR teams doing a pizza challenge underneath the Sky Tower a little while ago. Quite exciting to be able to watch it for a few minutes and try a piece of pizza from one of the teams, especially now that it's started on TV and I've seen what the contestants are all like. It was so weird to be there though cause the teams were all silent.....there was pretty much no talking between the partners at all. Odd cause on TV it always looks so high energy and stressful

Muriwai Pod's assembly. A pic of Faith/Moses on the projector. Perfect day for me to start back teaching! 

Faith and one of her big friends announced the Travelwise students. Love watching my babies do things like this 

My little weekly treat. A few weeks ago I discovered this spinach and feta pie at the supermarket so now I get one each week. Perfect for heating up quickly when I'm at school.
Tried to make our vote count on Saturday

Bell's been trying really hard to draw the temple lately. At the start of the week it was just too hard so I'd do the outline and she'd colour it in. By the end of the week she could do the whole thing on her own, complete with beautiful flowers in the garden.....well done my lovey. Love how you stuck at it for over an hour yesterday

The joys of having a little sissy.....sicky on jammies just before bedtime.
Good one Dilly, lucky we all love you!
Good ol' Daddy Joe came to the rescue with our idea for Faith's funky feet. Kinda a weird idea, but it definitely met the brief of funky feet. I hope she didn't feel embarassed wearing them...hehe!

She couldn't actually wear them to school cause it was pouring down and her sponges would have soaked up water like crazy. Inside footwear only!

A pair of real flash shoes from Aunty Natty. So cool thank you!

This is our miscellaneous box. Every household has one right?!?! I remember the big white tuppaware container we had growing up...in the cupboard on top of the fridge I think it was. Lighters, cotton, batteries, dice, nail polish....everything you don't have a special place for. This is our miscellaneous tray that sits on the top of the pantry and it drives me nuts. Gotta clear it out sometime in the near future.

The girls are always in like robbers dog's when it comes down cause it's inevitably got a few pieces of chewing gum that have been confiscated at some time or other and lip gloss taken off Ella for safe-keeping
Found this typed on the computer the other day.....cute or what?!?!?!

Monday 22 September 2014

FHE - Games Night

Word by Word - sit in a circle, go around the circle each saying a word so you make a short story. The girls struggle with this one so we do it every now and again at bed time. Surely over time we'll improve!

Impromptu Speech - 1 minute to talk about a topic like chocolate, hamburgers, cars, clothes. Faith and I have done this lately as a way of getting her to add more detail to her writing. I'm sick of her writing one sentence and saying 'I'm finished'. She did a really good one about 'TVs' a few days ago, and her 'cars' one was pretty funny too

Gotcha - 1 person chooses a category like colours, months, sports. They choose one thing in that category without telling anyone. The category is told to the group and each person has to say something while the person who is 'in' sits in front of them with a small lid full of water (like a pump bottle lid). If the person says the secret word (for example: yellow), the lid of water gets splashed on them while you yell 'Gotcha'. Enough water to be fun and not enough to cause tears

Some of our categories......

Farm Animals
Zoo Animals

Toy Basketball - An old favourite of ours. 10 soft toys + 1 basket. Who can get the most shots in?????? Always Mum!

Dad - 5
Faith - 4
Ella - 2
Mum - 10
Seth - 6 (with help from Mum moving the basket to catch his throws!)

Pictionary  - I had a list of easy pictures to draw like temple, 10 commandments, golden plates, noah's ark, jonah and the whale, baptism. Each person had a chance to draw a picture and Dad had to guess what they'd drawn.

I didn't get heaps of pics, but here's a few of the night
Listening to instructions of 'Gotcha'

Seth's in and out of FHE's at his age. While we were playing one of the games I found him over at the bookshelf entertaining himself with some church books....his favourite of all time is our Noah's Ark book
Mum's attempt at Jonah and the whale. Faith told us the whole story of what happened but couldn't remember the name Jonah!

This was all Ella....no help from Mum and Dad. I thought she did a really good job of Noah's ark, especially when she did the boat and then added heaps of rain....and finished off with a cat on the boat!

Know what this is? Faith was so confident drawing it as soon as I whispered '10 commandments' into her ear. Dad couldn't get it and I was a bit confused as to what she'd drawn, so I checked with her 'Faith, what did you draw again? '10 commandments' 'Oh yeah, just checking!!!'

Then she goes 'oh, I know how to make it better', and added the house with a chimney of course

Dad was still confused so she drew a close up of the commandments to help

Still struggling so she drew Moses going up the Mountain and Dad got it after that. Interesting my Lovey Faith!

Sunday 21 September 2014

7 years of wedded bliss

Day 1 of the '3 day 7 year anniversary'
 (I call it the 3 day anniversary cause we had Friday together, a special dinner on Saturday night and the real thing on Sunday. Should extend it like this every year cause it was fun to keep talking 
about it)

 Joe got rained off work on Friday (can you tell from the pictures the weather was terrible?!?!?!....it was at 7:30am, promise!), so I chose to go in to the city for Better Burger for lunch....I've always been a sucker for a burger
A quick and very exciting detour to see the Block on our way. I live for my tuesday-Friday nights at when I can sit down and relax from 8:30-9:40 and enjoy the Block...maybe sad but true.

Turns out most workers in the entire CBD wanted Better Burger for lunch as well. After driving all the way in, I had to continue with the plan, even if that meant 20 mins of standing in line and another half and hour waiting for the flippn things.

Verdict.....yum chips, average burgers. Not sold on the big mushroom as a vege patty, and the beef patties were a little underdone for my liking

Saturday night.....the special anniversary dinner that I'd planned for a few weeks prior. Was so cool to get the kids all in bed (they had no idea) and get all dressed up like we were going out to a restaurant. And we kind of were going out.....to the deck restaurant!

 Oops, looks like we had bread, salad and wedges. There were big juicy steaks as well.....was too busy stuffing my face to get a pic of those!

Delicious little snickers/caramello cheesecakes.......sooooo good. Will add the recipe soon.

Not masterchef presentation, but they tasted damn good

And late on the real night (21st September). After fluffing round watching you tube music videos, making Faith's funky feet, emailing in a work invoice.....so romantic!)

Oh, and my sweet husbunny surprised me with a really nice new watch. So cool cause I've been without one for so long and it drives me insane sometimes when I want to know they time and can't find my phone. 7 years in and we've decided that each year one person will be on 'present' and the other person will be on 'deck restaurant'. Excited for next year already!

When I look at this picture I can't believe it was only 7 years ago we got married and began our eternity together. Seems like we've come so far in that short time.....and I love it.....and him. He's a keeper for sure!